June 27, 2024
Statement from MA AFL-CIO President and Massachusetts is Not for Sale Campaign Chair Chrissy Lynch:
“Today’s decision is a tremendous disappointment and disservice to the voters of Massachusetts.
The SJC has upheld five separate schemes created by multinational Big Tech corporations to take away the basic rights that are guaranteed to all workers in Massachusetts through a number of misleading ballot questions. Ballot questions should seek to continue the long tradition of raising the quality of life and living standards in Massachusetts, not allow corporations to buy themselves loopholes to exploit workers and communities. The Commonwealth’s ballot initiative law was written to deter the type of manipulative tactics meant to confuse and mislead voters used in these corporate ballot initiatives. These corporations have already spent millions of dollars in ads touting flexibility – a word that never appears in any of their five petitions. This isn’t about benefitting app-based workers – it’s about exploiting them to boost corporate profits. Time and again, Massachusetts voters and lawmakers have overwhelmingly supported stronger rights and protections, and leveled the playing field for law-abiding businesses. We will utilize all possible options to ensure the rights of workers, consumers, and communities.
This decision is an unprecedented step back for the voters, workers, consumers, taxpayers and law-abiding businesses of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, which should not be for sale.”